Due to the significant interest in the “Application Mechanics: Submitting an Application” webinars, five new webinar dates have been added to the schedule.
The new dates and links to register are as follows:
- Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. ET
- Monday, March 29, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. ET
- Thursday, April 1, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. ET
- Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. ET
- Monday, April 12, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. ET
Each webinar will be approximately 90 minutes with the same content covered in each session and time set aside for questions. Registration for each session is limited to allow for the JustGrants team to respond to questions.
If you are unable to attend a live webinar or if you'd like to revisit the presentation material, the presentation slide deck from the February 22, 2020, session has been posted for your reference. A recording of the February 11, 2020, presentation is available for viewing.
For more information on the webinar sessions and to access application submission training resources, visit the JustGrants Application Submission training resources page.
OJJDP and NIJ are components of the Office of Justice Programs (OJP). CrimeSolutions.gov is run by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ). OJJDP’s Model Programs Guide (MPG) predates CrimeSolutions.gov. MPG programs fall within the broader scope of CrimeSolutions.gov. The MPG focuses on providing information to policymakers and practitioners on programs and practices related to the juvenile justice system, while CrimeSolutions.gov includes research about what works in criminal justice, juvenile justice, and crime victim services.
Beginning in January 2011 and commencing in September 2013, all programs that were accepted for inclusion in the MPG before January 2011 were re-reviewed to ensure conformity with the criteria and standards set by the Program Evidence Rating Instrument. The instrument is used by both CrimeSolutions.gov and MPG to determine a program’s rating of effectiveness. All programs and practices that appear on both the MPG and CrimeSolutions.gov have the exact same ratings (Effective, Promising, or No Effects).
However, in addition to the program database, the MPG also provides users with a variety of implementation tools and resources tailored to the needs of the juvenile justice field. Resources, literature reviews, implementation guides, and other information are specifically geared towards policymakers, practitioners, and professionals that work with at-risk or system-involved youth.
No! The MPG is a resource to assist justice practitioners and policymakers in using evaluation evidence for practical decision making and program implementation. The MPG is not intended to be an exhaustive list of worthy and unworthy investments. OJP and its components also recognize the importance of supporting innovative approaches and practices that may not yet have extensive evidence of effectiveness. Please refer to How to Use Model Programs Guide for additional information.
The information and evidence ratings included on MPG are not static. As additional programs and practices are identified and new research becomes available, MPG content will be updated and supplemented to reflect the most current programmatic and research information available. We also rely on users to provide us with critical feedback about the MPG website itself. What is useful and what is not? What additional features would you like to see on the site in the future? MPG users are welcome to Submit Feedback.
"No Effects” programs and practices have strong evidence to indicate they do not achieve their intended outcomes. Programs and practices with "No Effects" evidence ratings either failed to produce any intended change or they produced negative effects. In cases where negative effects were found, MPG profiles for programs and practices identify and describe observed negative effects. The MPG includes “No Effects” programs and practices to inform policymakers and practitioners about the current status of available evaluation evidence before planning or implementing similar efforts.
Programs with evidence that is insufficient to determine whether they achieve their intended outcomes do not receive an evidence rating on MPG. However, MPG periodically updates a static list of programs that have been reviewed by Study Reviewers, but not assigned an evidence rating due to lack of evidence. A program is placed on the insufficient evidence list if the study (or studies) reviewed received only Class 5 study ratings indicating that there were significant limitations in the study design such that it was not possible to establish a causal relationship to the program’s justice-related outcomes.
See the List of Programs and Practices with Insufficient Evidence currently posted on CrimeSolutions.gov.
MPG Lead Researchers review the available research about a program and select up to three of the most rigorous studies to determine the evidence rating. In many cases, there are fewer than three evaluations available for a particular program. The studies selected are those with the most rigorous methods and study designs and are expected to produce the most reliable and credible results. Study Reviewers are subject matter experts familiar with the body of research in the topic area, so they may, in consultation with the Lead Researcher, request to review additional studies if they can demonstrate a compelling need. Study Reviewers also use additional studies, program materials, process evaluations, and curricula outside the evidence-base as supplemental material to inform the overall assessment process.
To see more about the entire review process: Model Program Guide Program Review Process
All MPG Study Reviewers have extensive expertise in juvenile justice issues as well as research methodology. They have successfully completed the CrimeSolutions.gov Reviewer training process. Study Reviewers are responsible for reviewing and rating the individual studies that comprise a program’s evidence base.
To submit your request to become an MPG Study Reviewer, please Contact Us. Upon receipt of your request, your message will be shared with the appropriate personnel at OJJDP and Development Services Group, Inc., who will contact you for more information
The MPG recommends the following citation format for program/practice profiles and summaries: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Name of program or practice. Retrieved [month, date, year profile was accessed], from the Model Programs Guide, [URL of summary].
Please note: program materials, including websites, may state that a program or practice has been reviewed and posted on the MPG. However, the posting of a program summary on the MPG does not constitute an endorsement, promotion, or approval of the intervention by MPG or OJJDP. Please refer to How to Use Model Programs Guide for additional information.