The National Gang Center (NGC) serves as the only definitive clearinghouse of evidence-based and community-informed guidance addressing delinquency prevention, crime reduction, and community violence intervention through the lens of gang issues. Established in 1995, NGC is an authoritative source for emerging trends, research-based knowledge, and data-driven tools for those engaged in developing outcome-driven prevention, intervention, and focused suppression practices to reduce gang-related crime and violence. NGC advocates comprehensive, multi-sector, balanced approaches to improve community safety and ensure that youth and families impacted by gangs receive equitable access to services and opportunities.
The Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR) supports the delivery of services for NGC through the following activities:
- Track research and trends for the development of practitioner-oriented publications and resources;
- Enhance the content of the NGC website;
- Provide opportunities for virtual peer-sharing experiences among stakeholders in communities with emerging and entrenched gang issues;
- Provide onsite and online training in street gang investigations, gang intervention, the comprehensive gang model, and other violence prevention topics;
- Provide coordination for the G.R.E.A.T. national program; and
- Provide technical assistance to OJJDP-funded project sites addressing gun and gang violence.