Drug treatment
FY 2016 Guam Family Drug Court Project
Family Enhancement and Strengthening Program - A Comprehensive Program that Provides Integrated Care to Families in Crisis in Dallas County, Alabama
Rhode Island Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Title II Formula Grant
The Concurrent Evolution and Intertwined Nature of Juvenile Drug Courts (JDC) and Reclaiming Futures (RF) Approach to Juvenile Justice Reform
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Gun Court
Young Offenders: What Happens and What Should Happen
OJJDP News @ a Glance, September/October 2015
Orange County Juvenile Delinquency Drug Court Program - Enhancement and Expansion for the Delinquency Drug Court Program.
Rhode Island Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Title II Formula Grant
Pueblo of Jemez Healing to Wellness Program
Turtle Mountain Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court
Juvenile Drug Courts: A Process, Outcome, and Impact Evaluation
Collaboration for Iowa Families
2014 Title II Formula Grant
Ohio Family Drug Court Systems Reform
Alabama Family Drug Court Statewide System Reform
The Colorado Family Drug Court System Reform Project
Expanding the Scope and Scale of Family Treatment Court Processes in New York State
Lane County Youth Services RAP Court
STAND Program (Supervised Treatment for Alcohol and Narcotic Dependency
Substance Abuse: The Nation's Number One Health Problem
Outcome and Process Evaluation of Juvenile Drug Courts Final Report
OJJDP FY 14 Family Drug Court Statewide System Reform
OJJDP is seeking to infuse effective family drug court practices established at the local level and institutionalize them in the larger state-level child welfare, substance abuse treatment, and court systems. The purpose of this state systems reform effort is to expand the scale of family drug courts (i.e., penetration rate of the larger child welfare and substance abuse treatment systems) and scope (i.e., range of...