Commercial sexual exploitation of children
Effective Leadership Series: Building an Attuned Team
Developing a Community Response to Child Sex Trafficking and Exploitation Specialized Training
Springfield, MO
Multidisciplinary Team Response to Child Sex Trafficking
Columbus, OH
Multidisciplinary Team Response to Child Sex Trafficking
Providence, RI
The Medical Evaluation of Victims of Child Sex Trafficking
Webinar To Discuss Mentoring for Sexually Exploited Youth
August 7, 2019
On August 15, 2019, from 1 to 2:15 p.m. ET, the National Mentoring Resource Center will present "Fighting Toxic Relationships with Healthy Ones: Mentoring Youth Who Experience Commercial or Sexual Exploitation." This webinar will explore the challenges faced by youth survivors of commercial sexual exploitation and how mentoring can help them resist and overcome these abuses. This webinar is part...