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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

South Dakota

This state participates in the Federal Title II formula grants program.

Review the following information to access contacts, funding information, state plans, performance measures, and more.


Juvenile Justice Specialist
Haley Carey
Juvenile Justice Specialist
123 4th Ave. SW, Suite 1
Aberdeen, SD 57401
[email protected]

State Planning Agency Director
Kristi Bunkers
Director of Juvenile Services
4001 W. Valhalla Blvd., Suite 103
Sioux Falls, SD 57106
[email protected]

State Advisory Group Chair
Beth O'Toole
Council of Juvenile Services Chairperson
123 4th Ave. SW, Suite 1
Aberdeen, SD 57401
elisabeth.o'[email protected]

Compliance Monitor and R/ED Coordinator
John Stewart
Corrections Specialist/Compliance Monitor and R/ED Coordinator
3200 E. Highway 34
Pierre, SD 57501
[email protected]

OJJDP State Program Manager
Ricco Hall
State Program Manager
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
[email protected]

The OJJDP Title II Formula Grants Program provides funding to support state and local efforts to plan, establish, operate, coordinate, and evaluate policies and projects, directly or through grants and contracts with public and private agencies, for the development of more effective education, training, research, prevention, diversion, treatment, and rehabilitation programs, as well as justice system improvement efforts.

The Formula Grants Program is authorized under the JJDP Act of 1974, as amended, at 34 U.S.C. § 11131-11133. Pursuant to Part B of Title II of the JJDP Act, to receive formula grants, states must submit a plan for carrying out Formula Grants Program activities applicable to a 3-year period.

Title II Formula Grant Eligibility: Participating State in Fiscal Year 2020

Distribution of Formula Grants for Fiscal Year 2020

FY 2020 Prison Rape Elimination (PREA) Award Amount$0
FY 2020 Formula Grant Award Level$400,000
     Non-Compliance Reduction$0
     State Award Level Less Non-Compliance$400,000
     Less PREA Reduction$0
     Redistributed PREA Funds$124
     FY 2020 Title II Allocation$400,124
     PREA Abeyance Distribution$0
     FY 2015 Non-Compliance Distribution (AS)$214
     FY 2016 Non-Compliance Distribution (AS)$251
     FY 2017 Non-Compliance Distribution (GU)$216
     FY 2018 Non-Compliance Distribution (TX/WV)$11,445
     FY 2019 Non-Compliance Distribution (AS/ID/MA/MP/OK/SC/TX/WI/WV)$16,212
     PREA FY 2018 Prior Year Redistribution$39
Total FY 2020 Title II Allocations$428,501
FY 2020 Estimates for the Native American Pass-through Amount$27,050

Learn about the methodology for determining the distribution of Juvenile Justice Formula Grants by State.

View charts of formula grant funds for all states and territories by fiscal year.


Active Awards in South Dakota

Below find active OJJDP awards in South Dakota. These include Title II awards and all other funding from OJJDP.