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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Youth Violence Intervention Initiative


Department of Justice




  • Street Outreach: Engaging Gang‐Involved Youth - Highlights lessons learned from Victor González, Jr., a gang prevention and intervention expert from Houston, Texas, with decades of experience working with gang‐involved youth in communities impacted by serious gang and gun violence.
  • Street Outreach: Safety in the Field - Highlights lessons learned from Jay Franklin, a gang prevention and intervention expert from Riverside, CA, with experience working with gang‐involved youth in communities impacted by gang and gun violence.
  • Gang Violence: Improving Investigative Outcomes - David L. Carter, Ph.D., a professor at Michigan State University, discusses his work in "Homicide Process Mapping: Best Practices for Increasing Homicide Clearances" and how law enforcement can improve investigative outcomes in communities with gun and gang violence.

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