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OJJDP News @ a Glance September 2024

Tribal Connections: Native Culture Is a Strength, TYRC Young Leaders Say

Photo of four Tribal Youth Resource Center Young Leaders during a panel discussion at the OJJDP Tribal Youth Program Midwest Regional gathering

Tribal Youth Resource Center (TYRC) Young Leaders were central to the OJJDP Tribal Youth Program Midwest Regional gathering, held August 13–15 in Bloomington, MN. Four TYRC Young Leaders (from left: Sam Schimmel, Isabella Fridia, Sydney Matheson, and Anagali [Shace] Duncan) helped research and design meeting content and materials, and facilitated two panel discussions.

One panel focused on culturally grounded coping strategies and the contributions of traditional Native arts and stories to youth well-being and resilience. In the second panel, the Young Leaders spoke about ways to partner authentically with Native young people and their experiences as a resource for OJJDP grantees. Several meeting workshops focused on mentoring models that reflect Native values and resonate with Indigenous youth and their communities. Twenty-two Tribal youth programs and two youth healing to wellness court programs were represented at the meeting.

Date Created: September 26, 2024