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OJJDP News @ a Glance September 2024

From the Field: South Dakota Youth Are Telling Their Stories With Murals

Photo of six youth from JUMP standing in front of a completed mural

“The murals celebrate the transformative journey of these young artists, as they redefine their place in the world through a creative process that draws on their own resilience and imagination.”

—Jacqui Dietrich, Executive Director, Rapid City Arts Council 

In South Dakota, the Rapid City Arts Council partners with the Pennington County State’s Attorney’s Office on the Just Us Mural Project (JUMP), serving young people in the county’s diversion and detention programs. Youth at the Juvenile Services Center work with a counselor and artist to design a mural, drawing on lived system experience. Youth in the Juvenile Diversion Program then paint the mural in a public space, adding details from their lives. Completed murals reflect the lives and creativity of 23 youth. 

A collection of JUMP murals, “Metamorphosis,” is on display at the Dahl Arts Center in Rapid City. “The murals reflect a spectrum of emotions—bravery, fear, humility, despair, and hope—inviting viewers to share a human experience,” Ms. Dietrich said. JUMP is funded under OJJDP’s Arts Programs for Justice-Involved Youth initiative.

Date Created: July 26, 2024