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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

OJJDP Administrator Ryan Advocates Treating Kids as Kids in Recent Op-Ed

In a new opinion editorial, OJJDP Administrator Liz Ryan discusses how treating children as children can improve youth outcomes and advance community safety. 

Administrator Ryan focuses on the importance of nonpunitive, community-based intervention and evidence-informed approaches to prevent youth from entering or moving deeper into the juvenile justice system. 

The Administrator highlights OJJDP's Continuum of Care for Communities framework that takes a holistic approach to youth justice, spanning prevention, intervention, treatment, and reentry strategies.

"By prioritizing community safety and well-being, this framework ensures that interventions are not only cost-effective, both in the short- and long-term, but also rooted in the values and priorities of the communities they serve."

—Liz Ryan 

Read Op-Ed


Date Published: August 8, 2024