NCJ Number
Date Published
February 2007
230 pages
This tool kit is designed as a resource for communities in the development and implementation of truancy reduction programs to address and reverse serious juvenile problems.
The intent and hope is that this resource tool kit serves as a map for guiding communities along the best road; the place where one of their most serious juvenile problems, such as truancy is recognized and reversed. The first chapter of this report provides an overview of truancy and is intended to increase one's knowledge base of the national problem of truancy. Information is presented on the extent of the problem, its short and long term consequences, what factors contribute to kids becoming truant, and what kinds of efforts to improve school attendance have actually worked. The next chapter examines how truancy programs are defined, as well as the elements of evaluation design and data collection methods. This is followed by guidelines for program development. The third chapter focusing on promoting school engagement begins with school policies that engage students and families. The policies discussed range from modifying school grading policies related to attendance to creating alternatives to out-of-school suspension and expulsion. The fourth and final chapter provides practical ideas for managing truancy cases, improving school attendance, increasing parent and community involvement, creating alternatives to juvenile detention, and working with other agencies to keep kids in schools.
Date Published: February 1, 2007
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