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Road Recovery Grantee Interview Vlog

NCJ Number
Date Published
May 2024

In this video interview, Aaryan Nema hosts Gene Bowen and John Harris about the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Program’s mentoring program grant; also provided are links to resources and materials discussed by the host and guests, and other related resources.


This video interview features two guests who are involved in the National Mentoring Resource Center (NMRC) Technical Assistance grant. Gene Bowen is founder and president of Road Recovery, an NMRC grantee, and John Harris is NMRC technical assistance provider that works with Gene Bowen and Road Recovery as part of the NMRC grant. Aaryan Nema, the host, discusses with the guests about their experiences with NMRC TA grant activities; Bowen talks about Road Recovery’s activities, the grant application and acceptance process; and Harris talks about his efforts to work with Road Recovery’s grant-related efforts. Some links to additional resources and materials that are provided include the Road Recovery website and logic model, OJJDP mentoring overview, MENTOR New York, MENTOR Virginia, and the NMRC Technical Assistance website.

Date Published: May 1, 2024