NCJ Number
Date Published
December 2003
11 pages
This paper presents the themes and recommendations of a 2002
national summit, hosted by the U.S. Department of Justice, on the
problem of child and adolescent prostitution.
The summit brought together individuals from throughout the
country who work with sexually exploited children and youth. The
purpose of the summit was to have the participants share their
knowledge, experiences, and observations about the problem and
its solutions. The summit was attended by approximately 130
individuals who represented a range of disciplines and perspectives related to child and youth prostitution. The summit's anticipated outcome was a set of recommended policy considerations and action steps for Federal, State, and local levels. It was structured to facilitate discussion of five themes: prevention, treatment, research, investigation and prosecution, and provision of public and private services. Based
on these five themes, participants were divided into five working
groups that identified what works, what is needed, and what
action steps should be taken to address the needs and gaps in the
Nation's response to child and youth prostitution. This paper
lists the central questions and concerns that were common among
the working groups, many of which are addressed in this paper.
The discussion and recommendations for dealing with these issues
are presented under the following five areas: leadership and
public awareness, service delivery, capacity-building, legislation and policy change, and research. Themes in the recommendations are treating the prostituted children as victims
rather than offenders; providing these victims greater access to
services; developing peer-driven programs that are victim-focused, gender-sensitive, and culturally appropriate; using consistent language to be adopted nationwide; identifying children through information-sharing and communication; having more effective prevention strategies and support; holding offenders (all involved in the chain of commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth) accountable for their
actions; mounting a systematic effort to collect and analyze
information about all aspects of the commercial sexual exploitation of children; and involving all stakeholders in developing, implementing, and/or overseeing strategies to prevent and serve prostituted children and youth.
Date Published: December 1, 2003