NCJ Number
Date Published
April 2020
5 pages
This Issue Brief of the Western Regional Child Advocacy Center (WRCAC) for April 2020 discusses the advantages and procedures for a CAC in developing the capacity to deliver trauma-focused telemental health (TMH) services to CAC clients.
The Brief first discusses the effectiveness of TMH for both children and adults. Its effectiveness has been established by research, and the Veteran's Administration has delivered TMH to veterans since the 1990s. The current COVID-19 pandemic has limited face-to-face contact and requires social distancing. This has caused many CACs to transition to TMH service delivery. Another reason for instituting TMH services is to facilitate regular CAC services for rural and isolated communities. In addition, work and school schedules, childcare issues, and weather can prevent consistent, in-person participation in CAC services. TMH also addresses limitations in staff personnel resources. When a CAC does not have access to a local therapist who is trained and experienced in evidence-based trauma treatment, TMH provides access to the services of therapists qualified to deliver needed treatment. The Brief also indicates that TMH meets the National Children's Alliance standards for accreditation. A discussion of TMH equipment needs indicates that TMH platforms have become more accessible in recent years. The therapist and client need internet access with video and audio capability. The Brief provides online access to a WRAC TMH webinar that addresses technology and licensure issues.
Date Published: April 1, 2020
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