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Awards: List of Funded Projects

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OJJDP's grant awards support state and community efforts to develop effective prevention and intervention programs and to improve the juvenile justice system. Find details for funding awards from OJJDP below.

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Awards Listing

Number of Awards: 11,579
Total Amount Awarded: $9,086,110,662

Funded Awards
FY Sort ascending Title Original Solicitation Recipient State Award Number Amount Status
2002 Tribal Youth OJJDP Formula Grants Program Supplement (ABS) St. Croix Band of Chippewa WI 2002-TY-FX-0014 $148,659 Closed
2002 Tribal Youth OJJDP Formula Grants Program Supplement (ABS) Walker River Paiute Tribe NV 2002-TY-FX-0006 $149,927 Closed
2002 Tribal Youth Program OJJDP Formula Grants Program Supplement (ABS) Native Village of Algaaciq AK 2002-TY-FX-0008 $149,196 Closed
2002 Tribal Youth Program OJJDP Formula Grants Program Supplement (ABS) Temoak Tribe of Western Shoshone NV 2002-TY-FX-0005 $149,796 Closed
2002 Tribal Youth Program OJJDP Formula Grants Program Supplement (ABS) Village of Alakanuk AK 2002-TY-FX-0019 $147,446 Closed
2002 Vermont's Juvenile Justice Response to Juvenile Accountability FY 2002 OJJDP Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grants Program Department for Children & Families, Family Services Division VT 2002-JB-BX-0047 $1,252,174 Closed
2002 Washington State's Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws Program partnered with
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
June 2002 to May 31, 2004
FY 2002 OJJDP Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws Block Grant Program Washington Department of Social And Health Services Dasa WA 2002-AH-FX-0031 $360,000 Closed
2002 WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY JUVENILE DELINQUENCY PREVENTION PROJECT OJJDP Discretionary Programs Western Kentucky University Research Foundation KY 2002-JP-FX-1001 $485,000 Closed
2002 Western Nevada Adult Regional Drug Court, Supreme Court of Nevada Rural Drug Court OJJDP Formula Grants Program Supplement (ABS) Nevada Supreme Court NV 2002-DC-BX-0008 $480,588 Closed
2002 Wisconsin Going Home Project OJJDP FY 2005 Reentry Supplement Wisconsin Department of Corrections WI 2002-RE-CX-0060 $2,000,000 Closed
2002 Wyoming Underage Drinking Initiative FY 2002 OJJDP Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws Block Grant Program Sate of Wyoming, Governor's Planning Office WY 2002-AH-FX-0049 $360,000 Closed
2002 YOUTH SERVICES IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE OJJDP Discretionary Programs Jefferson County CO 2002-JR-BX-0005 $242,500 Closed
2002 Youth Strategies Consolidated Grant Program FY 2002 OJJDP Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws Block Grant Program State of Maryland MD 2002-AH-FX-0001 $360,000 Closed
2001 Drug-Free Communities Support Program OJJDP Discretionary Continuation Programs - Demonstration Augusta Richmond County Community Partnership For Children And Families Inc GA 2001-JN-FX-0056 $100,000 Closed
2001 4-H Expansion Program OJJDP Discretionary Continuation Programs - Demonstration Regents of New Mexico State University NM 2001-DR-FX-0002 $299,340 Closed
2001 4-H Expansion Program OJJDP Discretionary Continuation Programs - Demonstration Regents of New Mexico State University NM 2001-JP-FX-1003 $748,350 Closed
2001 5th Circuit Juvenile Drug Court OJJDP Formula Grants Program Supplement (ABS) Buchanan County Juvenile Office MO 2001-DC-BX-0051 $497,979 Closed
2001 A Drug Awareness campaign consisting of 9 specific components OJJDP Discretionary Continuation Programs - Training Drug Free America Foundation, Inc. FL 2001-DR-FX-K001 $997,800 Closed
2001 Application for Enhancement Grant for Third Judicial District Juvenile Drug Court OJJDP Formula Grants Program Supplement (ABS) New Mexico Administrative Office of the Courts NM 2001-DC-BX-0054 $299,492 Closed
2001 Baltimore City's Youth Initiative: Baltimore Rising, Police Athletic League & Kidz Nite Inn OJJDP Discretionary Continuation Programs - Demonstration Baltimore City MD 2001-SI-FX-0002 $987,300 Closed
2001 Baltimore City's Youth Initiative: Baltimore Rising, Police Athletic League & Kidz Nite Inn OJJDP Discretionary Continuation Programs - Demonstration Baltimore City MD 2001-SI-FX-0002 $997,800 Closed
2001 Bowden Youth Center Expansion Project OJJDP Discretionary Continuation Programs - Demonstration Volunteers of America, Dakotas-Turning Point SD 2001-JS-FX-0003 $149,670 Closed
2001 Center for Safe Urban School Communities OJJDP Discretionary Continuation Programs - Training University of Louisville Research Foundation KY 2001-SI-FX-K004 $485,000 Closed
2001 Center for Safe Urban School Communities OJJDP Discretionary Continuation Programs - Training University of Louisville Research Foundation KY 2001-SI-FX-K004 $748,350 Closed
2001 Continued Implementation of Youth Intake and Assessment Center and related functions OJJDP Discretionary Continuation Programs - Demonstration Yellowstone County MT 2001-JN-FX-0048 $249,450 Closed