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Awards: List of Funded Projects

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OJJDP's grant awards support state and community efforts to develop effective prevention and intervention programs and to improve the juvenile justice system. Find details for funding awards from OJJDP below.

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Awards Listing

Showing Results For:
Awardee Name: Rosebud Sioux Tribe

Number of Awards: 12
Total Amount Awarded: $4,562,987

Funded Awards
FY Sort ascending Title Original Solicitation Recipient State Award Number Amount Status
2016 Rosebud Sioux Tribe Wellness Initative OJJDP FY16 CTAS Purpose Area 8: Tribal Juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts ROSEBUD SIOUX TRIBE SD 2016-DC-BX-0089 $252,750 Closed
2015 Culturally Appropriate Intervention and Therapy for Youth Offenders and Victims on Rosebud Sioux Tribe Reservation OJJDP FY 15 Youth Development, Prevention, and Safety Invited Applications Rosebud Sioux Tribe SD 2014-MU-MU-K047 $225,000 Closed
2014 Culturally Appropriate Intervention and Therapy for Youth Offenders and Victims on Rosebud Sioux Tribe Reservation OJJDP FY 14 Youth With Sexual Behavior Problems Program: Category 1: Non-Tribal Project Sites Rosebud Sioux Tribe SD 2014-MU-MU-K047 $119,107 Closed
2014 Rosebud Sioux Tribe Defending Childhood Initiative OJJDP FY 14 State and Community Development Invited Awards Rosebud Sioux Tribe SD 2011-TY-FX-K006 $300,000 Closed
2013 Rosebud Sioux Tribe Defending Childhood Initiative OJJDP FY 13 State and Community Development Division Invited Awards Rosebud Sioux Tribe SD 2011-TY-FX-K006 $360,000 Closed
2011 Rosebud Sioux Tribe Defending Childhood Initiative Strategic Plan for Children Exposed to Violence OJJDP FY 11 Attorney General's Children Exposed to Violence Demonstration Program: Phase 2 Rosebud Sioux Tribe SD 2011-TY-FX-K006 $1,000,000 Closed
2010 Rosebud Sioux Tribe- Tribal Youth Resiliency Program OJJDP FY 10 CTAS Purpose Area 10: Develop new demonstration projects on violence prevention and rehabilitation (Tribal Youth Program) Rosebud Sioux Tribe SD 2010-TY-FX-0021 $499,976 Closed
2010 RST Attorney General Demonstration Project OJJDP FY 10 Attorney General's Children Exposed to Violence Demonstration Program: Phase I Rosebud Sioux Tribe SD 2010-MU-FX-K006 $159,534 Closed
2009 RST Green Technology Reentry Program OJJDP FY 09 Tribal Juvenile Detention and Reentry Green Demonstration Program Rosebud Sioux Tribe SD 2009-TY-FX-0003 $700,000 Closed
2005 The Boys and Girls Clubs of Rosebud SMART Moves Program OJJDP FY 2005 Tribal Youth Program Rosebud Sioux Tribe SD 2005-TY-FX-K033 $300,000 Closed
2004 FY2004 Single Jurisdiction Drug Court Enhancement OJJDP FY 2004 Carryover Programs Rosebud Sioux Tribe SD 2004-DC-BX-0030 $200,000 Closed
2003 PIYA MANI OTIPI/YOUTH ADVOCACY AND TRANSITIONAL LIVING PROJECT FY 2003 OJJDP Congressional Earmark Programs Rosebud Sioux Tribe SD 2003-JS-FX-0063 $446,620 Closed