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Un-Repeating the Cycle

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2020, $230,000)

Grantees are funded under this initiative to develop program activities based on the core strategies of the Comprehensive Gang Model. Category 2, Suppression, supports focused deterrence and suppression strategies aimed at preventing and reducing youth gang violence. Organizations are encouraged to develop and implement a variety of suppression strategies aligned with the Suppression core strategy described in the OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Model.

Carters Crew’s Un-Repeating the Cycle is a program designed to deter gang enrollment among juveniles ages 12–17; reduce the number of violent crimes committed by and against the targeted population; increase family participation in activities for those at risk of gang recruitment; and provide education, training, counseling, resources, and a safe environment in which to grow and learn. The goal is desistance and resistance to gang pressures in Pulaski County’s at-risk and gang-involved youth population. Juveniles identified will be provided case management, job development, educational opportunities, tutoring, and mentoring. Activities designed to engage and provide diversion will be implemented, including an afterschool program. Drawing from the successful Promise program, a joint effort of the Arkansas Department of Education, the University of Arkansas College of Education & Health Professions, and the volunteer community of Carter’s Crew, Un-Repeating the Cycle will partner with individuals and businesses within the community to provide a positive growth environment for this underserved and at-risk juvenile demographic. Anticipating improved graduation rates, improved job readiness, a reduction in juvenile arrests and gang membership, enhanced community and law enforcement engagement, and improved parenting outcomes, Un-Repeating the Cycle will reduce the risk of gang membership and temptation to be involved in a gang. CA/NCF

Date Created: November 2, 2020