This program furthers the U.S. Department of Justice’s mission to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling gang-related crime and violence to ensure public safety in a manner that preserves the fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans. Training and Technical assistance (TTA) provided by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's (OJJDP's) National Gang Center (NGC) supports evidence-based and data-driven intervention-, prevention-, and deterrence-focused initiatives that aim to reduce violence. The goal of NGC is to provide TTA to communities on developing evidence-based strategies or promising models to prevent and deter youth from joining gangs and reduce youth gang violence.
Research demonstrates that gang members are disproportionately involved in criminal and violent behavior. No single suppression or prevention strategy alone will reduce gang crime and violence. Critical components of NGC strategies include: comprehensive, community-based, gun and gang violence interventions designed to reduce risk factors that lead to joining a gang; promotion of positive intervention supports for gang-involved individuals, to include those returning from incarceration; implementation of focused and strategic enforcement; and support for victims of gang violence.
The Institute for Intergovernmental Research proposes to manage the operations of the NGC by implementing the following TTA services.
Enhance content for the NGC website, which serves as a one-stop shop for publications and practitioner-oriented resources on youth and street gangs.
Identify, track, and disseminate relevant gang-related current events, research, and trends to facilitate nationwide peer networking opportunities to expand what is known about successes, challenges, and innovations in reducing gang-related community violence.
Deliver specialized law enforcement and prosecution training to local jurisdictions to enhance agencies’ capacities to identify and counter criminal gang-related activities.
Deliver virtual training to an array of multidisciplinary audiences interested in implementing a strategic framework for reducing gang and gun violence.
Provide national TTA support to the Gang Resistance Education And Training (G.R.E.A.T.) Program.
Develop publications and resources that provide sound guidance for developing data-driven responses for community violence.
Provide tailored TTA to OJJDP-funded grantees implementing youth violence prevention and reduction programs, including youth gang suppression, youth gang desistance/diversion, and victims of gang violence programs.
Activities under this comprehensive TTA plan are designed to advance the professional knowledge base of practitioners across law enforcement, justice, public and social services, schools, and other community sectors. TTA also serves to strengthen the organizational capacities of local government and community-based organizations focused on preventing and reducing gun and gang-related community violence.