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Brotherhood Crusade Proud to be Me Gang Intervention and Violence Reduction Program

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2020, $488,695)

Grantees are funded under this initiative to develop program activities based on the core strategies of the Comprehensive Gang Model. Category 1, Intervention, supports intervention strategies that can dissuade youth from joining gangs and help them discontinue their involvement in gangs. Proposed strategies are built upon the principles of the following core strategies in the OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Model: Community Mobilization, Opportunities Provision, and Social Intervention.

The Los Angeles Brotherhood Crusade, Black United Fund, Inc. will provide the Proud to be Me trauma-informed gang intervention and violence reduction program. They will serve 10- to 17-year-old high-risk, low-income youth in Los Angeles County who are gang members, engage in gang violence, and/or have 75 percent of known risk factors for gang membership. They will provide mentoring, youth development, outreach support, and work force development. Deliverables include 1:1 or group mentoring, 80 hours of cultural context curriculum, monthly learning projects, restorative principals, mental health counseling, skills development, GED classes, computer training, volunteer activities, recreational activities, transportation, childcare, clothes, financial aid, case management, and a learning institute. CA/NCF

Date Created: November 2, 2020