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Roca B-3 Initiative: Intervening with Boston's Highest Risk Young Gang Members

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2020, $494,230)

Grantees are funded under under this initiative to develop program activities based on the core strategies of the Comprehensive Gang Model. Category 1, Intervention, supports intervention strategies that can dissuade youth from joining gangs and help them discontinue their involvement in gangs. Proposed strategies are built upon the principles of the following core strategies in the OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Model: Community Mobilization, Opportunities Provision, and Social Intervention.

Roca’s B-3 Initiative will serve young teens at risk of gang involvement and gang-involved youth. The adaptation of the Roca Intervention Model for 17- to 24-year-olds to younger teens (ages 15–17) is based on Roca’s successful work with unaccompanied minors of the same age from Central America. Through this grant, Roca will use this adaptation to serve 180 boys ages 15–17 in Boston who are driving violence and gang activity across the communities of Dorchester, Mattapan, and Roxbury. This project directly aligns with the core strategies of OJJDP’s Comprehensive Gang Model. B-3 participants will engage in Roca’s Intervention Model, which provides 2 years of intensive services in life skills, education, and employment, and an additional 2 years of follow-up. Youth workers reengage and support young people and move them toward behavior change, increasing these efforts during relapses and crises. In addition, the project will provide outreach to family members to connect them to needed services, assist with family support, and address issues as they arise with the young people. Roca will also use peacemaking circles with families and among partners to increase communication and support for these young people. Roca’s B-3 Initiative Expansion is designed to help participants create long-term, sustained behavior change and reduce their levels of violence and gang activity. Roca works with young people to address their trauma and help them learn new skills critical to their success. Other intended outcomes include connection and participation in education and/or vocational and life skills programming, increased educational skills, high school completion, reduction of criminal involvement, and a connection to additional education and/or the workforce. CA/NCF

Date Created: November 2, 2020