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Mohawk Valley Preventative Services Program (MVPSP)

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Past Project Period End Date
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2020, $467,193)

This program aligns with the Department’s priorities to combat victimization and enhance public safety. The Supporting Effective Interventions for Children With Sexual Behavior Problems and Adolescent Sex Offenders program supports communities in developing comprehensive, multidisciplinary approaches to provide a continuum of intervention and supervision services for youth with problematic and illegal sexual behavior as well as treatment services for their victims and families/caregivers.

The purpose of the program is to prevent sexual reoffending by adolescent sex offenders and children with sexual behavior problems. The target area is comprised of the six counties in the Mohawk Valley region of New York State, a rural area where one in 5 children live in poverty. The program will serve youth, parents, caretakers, and siblings. The goal is to prevent sexual reoffending by adolescent sex offenders and children with sexual behavior problems. The objectives and deliverables are to provide: intervention and supervision services for children and youth with sexual behavior problems; and treatment services for victims and non-offending family members. For the past 30 years, St. Anne Institute (SAi) has operated one of the few programs nationwide that provides services both to victims of sexual abuse and sexual abusers. SAi proposes to provide specialized clinical services to 30 families dealing with issues related to the sexual abuse with one or more of their children who have engaged in sexually inappropriate, aggressive, or abusive behavior. SAi services will include individual, group, family therapy, and post-discharge services. Services will focus on the development of natural community/neighborhood supports, so that the youth/families will maintain these connections after services end. Those served will include youth with sexual behavior problems and associated levels of risk, ranging from those motivated by sexual curiosity to those exhibiting severe patterns of sexual deviance. These youth may have engaged in intra-familial or extra-familial sexual abuse. They may be referred for services prior to any intervention by the legal system. The program will serve youth, parents, caretakers, and siblings. SAi will work with the Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) and the Child Advocacy Center (CAC) and representatives from many disciplines in the Mohawk Valley (e,g,. law enforcement, child protection, mental health, medical, District Attorney's Office, and victim advocacy) regarding the investigation, treatment, management, and prosecution of child abuse and maltreatment cases. CA/NCF

Date Created: September 16, 2020