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2020 College Mentors for Kids Program Implementation, Enhancement and Expansion

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Past Project Period End Date
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2020, $1,150,000)

The Mentoring Opportunities for Youth Initiative, Category 2 (Multi-State Mentoring Program) provides funding to support mentoring organizations in their efforts to strengthen and/or expand their existing mentoring activities within local chapters or sub-awardees (in at least 5 states but fewer than 45 states) to reduce juvenile delinquency, drug abuse (specifically opioid abuse), truancy, and other problem and high-risk behaviors. FY 2020 funding will address the factors that can lead to or serve as a catalyst for delinquency or other problem behaviors in underserved youth, including youth in high-risk environments. Programs are encouraged to target their mentoring services to children of parents on active military duty; children of incarcerated parents; youth with opioid/substance abuse problems; youth that experience bullying (including cyberbullying); and youth in rural communities. This program is authorized and funded pursuant to Pub. L. No. 116-93, 133 Stat. 2317, 2410.

College Mentors for Kids is an innovative nonprofit organization that believes mentoring transforms lives. The organization targets youth in grades 1 to 6 who can benefit from a mentor. The project purpose is to help at-risk youth achieve success in life by targeting intervention during the formative elementary school years. The goal of the program is to improve outcomes for at-risk youth and reduce negative outcomes related to juvenile delinquency through mentoring. With FY 2020 funding, College Mentors for Kids will implement, expand, and enhance its signature mentor program blending one-on-one mentoring with a group model. The program matches youth one-to-one with college student mentors. The matches join small groups for weekly afterschool activities on the university campus. Highly structured activities expose youth to postsecondary education and careers while helping them develop knowledge and aspirations for the future. CA/NCF

Date Created: October 22, 2020