The FY 2019 Addressing the Training Needs of Juvenile Prosecutors program will fund training and technical assistance and other national-level resources to enhance the knowledge, skill level, and expertise of juvenile prosecutors in the United States through a comprehensive, coordinated, national training and technical assistance program. This funding will promote a nationwide approach to juvenile justice that balances public safety, juvenile offender accountability to victims, and life-skill development in youth so that the justice system is equitable, fair, and just. This program is authorized pursuant to Department of Justice Appropriations Act, 2019, Pub. L. No. 1166, 133 Stat. 13, 114-116, 119.
The National District Attorneys Association (NDAA) plans to develop training, technical assistance, and publications for juvenile prosecutors, their support staff, and allied criminal justice professionals. They will provide onsite training, at least one web-based training, technical assistance through its website and the Prosecutor's Encyclopedia, and a Juvenile Handbook. NDAA will also partner with an experienced former prosecutor with expertise in juvenile justice and substance abuse issues, who will serve as a senior attorney. NDAA will assemble two panels of leading juvenile prosecutors to create a national resource and gather assistance for the curriculum for training. NDAA will develop four 2.5-day trainings in different locations around the country and will also produce a National Practice Handbook that will contain the essential components of what every juvenile prosecutor should know about handling these cases, as well as an update to the Juvenile Justice Standards and Juvenile Prosecution Policies and Guidelines. NDAA will measure their performance through pre- and post-testing at courses, electronic evaluations of their training, and electronic follow-up surveys of knowledge application after the program or technical assistance. The grant funds will support project-related personnel and fringe benefits, supplies, meeting space/audiovisual rental, faculty and staff travel/per diem, and the indirect cost rate.