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South Houston Victims of Gang Violence Support Project

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2019, $303,913)

The Supporting Victims of Gang Violence Grant Program provides funding for localities to increase the availability of direct support services for victims of gang-related violence and to develop or enhance the responses to children and youth exposed to gang-related violence in their homes, schools, and communities. This program is authorized by Pub. L. No. 116-6, 133 Stat. 13, 113.

The City of Houston Mayor’s Anti-Gang Office (MAGO) will provide the coordination for the South Houston Victims of Gang Violence Support Project. To address gang activity in Houston, MAGO implements a community-based prevention and intervention strategy that includes direct service programs for youth, public education and outreach, agency collaboration, and policy development. Specific activities include providing case management, conducting presentations and trainings, coordinating multi-disciplinary teams to track gang activity, providing incident response and violence intervention, and hosting community events and activities. This proposal seeks to enhance MAGO’s existing strategy by including services for victims of gang violence, such as, creating an advisory board, conducting a needs assessment, providing a network of victim services, conducting outreach, and providing education and services that treat trauma.


Date Created: September 26, 2019