Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2017, $350,000)
The Justice Department's grant-making components have created a streamlined approach for federally recognized Tribes, Tribal consortia, Alaska Native villages and corporations, as well as authorized tribal designees to apply for Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 funding opportunities. The Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) serves as a single solicitation for existing tribal government-specific grant programs administered by the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) and the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW). The CTAS solicitation is designed to assist tribes with addressing crime and public safety issues in a comprehensive manner. The CTAS grant-application process was inspired by and developed after consultation with tribal leaders, including sessions at the Justice Department's Tribal Nations Listening Session in 2009, and has been updated based on continued tribal consultations and listening sessions. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) provides awards under CTAS Purpose Area 9--Tribal Youth Program (TYP) to federally recognized tribes to develop and implement programs that support and enhance Tribal efforts to prevent and control juvenile delinquency and strengthen juvenile justice system for American Indian/Alaska Native youth.
The Nulato Tribe will address the problem of their youth abusing drugs/alcohol, being truant, and having a disregard to the community, by finalizing the establishment of the Tribal Youth Court. This Court will teach the youth an alternative for problem resolution and build restorative justice within the community. Having a Circle Sentencing court in Nulato will provide healing to both the youth and their families. Nulato will prioritize utilizing the Tribal Youth Court for those youth that offend, the Tribe will use grant funds to also develop and implement cultural youth programs for at-risk youth. The Tribe will build all the programs around Nulatos Athabascan values to revitalize youths cultural identity. The Tribe hopes to partner with the school district and the City Government to have youth delinquency crimes referred to the Youth Court (truancy, suspension, curfew, etc.). Nulato will continue their current cultural programs: Native Singing and Dancing (NSD) team, Fish Camp, Lil League, Subsistence trips, etc. as well as identify other alternative evidence-based cultural programs that can be adapted into a complete yearly program. CA/NCF