The Youth with Sexual Behavior Problems (YSBP) Program provides funding to support the development of community-based intervention models to serve youth with sexual behavior problems. The models to be developed include a multidisciplinary approach and provide intervention and supervision services for youth (ages 10-14) with sexual behavior problems, their child victims and their families. The YSBP Program Technical Assistance Project will support the development and delivery of technical assistance for three project sites funded in fiscal year 2016, in the areas of problem sexual behavior treatment, victim and family support and treatment, evidence-based juvenile sex offender management practices, multi-disciplinary team development, and system assessments and data collection.
The UOHSC has created the National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth (NCSBY) to support communities working with youth with sexual behavior problems (SBP) and their families. Implementation of comprehensive and coordinated evidence-based practices (EBP) for youth with SBP and child victims in the community is complicated due to unique challenges. Services require coordination of different EBP for youth with SBP and victims, both of whom require active caregiver involvement. Further, multiple agency, system, and policy level barriers impact identification, referral, access, and engagement in services. Training and technical assistance for youth with SBP requires expertise in the evidence-based treatment models on overcoming barriers, and on adapting efforts to fit communities resources and needs. NCSBY is uniquely well-suited to provide this TTA because of its training, service, and research expertise in these areas. NCSBY will collaborate with the awardees early in Year 1 to examine current community-based management systems and identify barriers and supports to EBP implementation and sustainability. Short-term and intermediate TTA needs to reach specific program goals will be developed for each of the three sites. TTA provided will include onsite, online, and multimedia modality, and it will also be provided during the annual cluster meetings. Data on the provision of TTA will be regularly collected, including quantity, quality, and impact, following all OJJDP requirements. Progress towards goals will be regularly assessed, with an emphasis on sustainability plans in Year 2. Final reports will document progress, lessons learned, and recommendations for next steps. Further, deliverables summarizing these outcomes will be developed and disseminated, such as through OJJDP portals and the NCSBY website. CA/NCF