Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2016, $20,000)
The Formula Grants Program is authorized under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act and funds are made available as a result of the FY 2016 Department of Justice appropriations. The purpose of this program is to support state and local delinquency prevention and intervention efforts and juvenile justice system improvements. Program areas may include: planning and administration; state advisory group allocation; compliance monitoring; prevention; and activities to address the core requirements and improvement of juvenile justice system operations and policies, as found in section 223(a)(9) of the JJDP Act.
The OJJDP FY 2016 Title II Formula Grants Program, State Advisory Group (SAG) allocation will continue to be used by the State of Wyoming to support the State Advisory Council on Juvenile Justice (SACJJ). The SACJJ works in collaboration with other state and local governments and community agencies toward strengthening Wyomings juvenile justice system and to provide vision, training and support for a model juvenile justice system. SAG funds will be used to support in person and/or phone meetings of the Council to include travel, per diem and hotel expenses. The meetings enable the Council to carry out functions that contribute to goals adopted by the SAG. Wyoming does not participate in the JJDPA Act. Funds are separately awarded by OJJDP to the entity that manages the Federal Non-Participating State (NPS) award. The Wyoming Department of Family Services and the NPS grantee will work together toward the common goal of achieving compliance in Wyoming by conducting trainings and outreach for both agency's representatives.
A major part of the SACJJs core business is to work with the NPS grantee on making competitive awards to applicants from the 14 Wyoming counties that are participating in improving compliance with the JJDPA. Through the Wyoming Department of Family Services, the SACJJ helps provide oversight to those juvenile justice subawards. To be effective in this role, the SACJJ and the NPS grantee engage in a coordinated planning process that impacts local and statewide juvenile justice policy, informs and improves practice, fosters the development of model programs, and defines consistent philosophies for how to address the needs of children in Wyomings juvenile justice system. No portion of the budget will be used to conduct research as defined in the Project Evaluations section of the grant solicitation.
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