This program furthers the Department's mission by providing grants and cooperative agreements for training and technical assistance to organizations that OJJDP designates.
The purpose of the Family Drug Court Training and Technical Assistance (FDC TTA) program is to support training and technical assistance (TTA) that helps states, state courts, local courts, units of local government, and Indian tribal governments develop, maintain, and enhance drug courts for substance-abusing adults who are involved with the family court due to child abuse and/or neglect issues. The FDC TTA program increases the effectiveness of family drug courts (FDCs) by improving their program protocols and standards, cross-system collaborative relationships, cost-effectiveness and staff knowledge and skills. The Center for Children and Family Futures (CCFF) serves as OJJDPs FDC TTA provider and supports the following goals established by OJJDP: (1) provide TTA to FDCs to build capacity, assess needs, initiate strategic planning, implement appropriate program improvements, and evaluate program performance and sustainability; (2) provide TTA to strengthen the implementation and enhancement of the FDC Statewide System Reform Program (FDC SSRP) funded in FYs 2014 and 2016; and (3) document lessons learned and disseminate information on promising practices to support implementation of large-scale systems change efforts.
Specific TTA activities include: peer-to-peer TTA; conducting assessments of FDC TA needs; developing and conducting training for FDCs; effectively communicating and collaborating with FDCs; developing and implementing a National Strategy for FDCs; and developing national standards for FDCs.