This program furthers the Department's mission by providing grants and cooperative agreements for training and technical assistance to organizations that OJJDP designates.
The CSG Justice Center will partner with the Robert F. Kennedy National Resource Center for Juvenile Justice and the American Probation and Parole Association to design and deliver comprehensive training and technical assistance (TTA) that guides and assists grantees to reduce recidivism and improve other youth outcomes through the adoption and effective implementation of a cohesive set of new and strengthened research-based policies and practices.
Grantees will receive intensive, on-site and distance support to develop and implement cohesive, detailed action plans to align their policies and practices with what research has demonstrated works to reduce recidivism and improve other youth outcomes. The CSG Justice Center will host a training academy for grantee management and key line staff to build momentum for these reforms that will assist grantees with changing agency culture, identifying and overcoming common implementation challenges, and educating them on successful strategies for adopting and implementing research-based policies, practices, and programs. This training will be complemented by providing grantees with an ongoing set of implementation tools, webinars, and other distance learning and knowledge development activities that will help grantees, and the community supervision field at large, to implement their new policy and practice changes with fidelity and high quality.