The Formula Grants Program is authorized under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act of 1974, as amended. The purpose of this program is to support state and local delinquency prevention and intervention efforts and juvenile justice system improvements through a range of administration, compliance and program activities including those that address juvenile justice issues for Native American Indian tribes.
The Michigan Department of Human Services in conjunction with the State Advisory Group (SAG) completed a strategic planning process to develop juvenile justice priorities to guide its funding. These are: 1) prioritizing juvenile justice to assure adequate funding, programming, and services; 2) establishing a continuum of care; 3) data driven decision making using a statewide data collection process and 4) identifying best practices & outcomes.
The SAG also identified focus areas addressing mental health and substance abuse, gender specific services, and truancy, and has begun work in three areas: reducing truancy and the number of youth entering the juvenile justice system from schools; seeking youth input through a statewide Youth Advisory Board to the SAG; and improving the state's juvenile justice data system through collaboration between the SAG and key juvenile justice stakeholders. NCA/NCF