The Formula Grants Program is authorized under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act of 1974, as amended. The purpose of this program is to support state and local delinquency prevention and intervention efforts and juvenile justice system improvements through a range of administration, compliance and program activities including those that address juvenile justice issues for Native American Indian tribes.
The Rhode Island Public Safety Grant Administration Office will use FY 14 Title II Formula Grant funds to continue to improve the Rhode Island Juvenile justice system's ability to respond to juvenile offending behaviors quickly and effectively. The State of Rhode Island bears the primary responsibility for all juvenile justice related activities. The target population will be at-risk youth statewide between the ages of 7 to 17 years. The funds will support the Rhode Island Family Court and the Juvenile Drug Court. Compliance with the Core Requirements will also be a primary focus. Rhode Island's Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI)/Casey Foundation has been partnering with the state's DMC initiative with positive results. Data collection to support performance measures will be done in collaboration with courts, police, the juvenile hearing board, and schools.