This awardee has received supplemental funding. This award detail page includes information about both the original award and supplemental awards.
Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2013, $780,491)
The Formula Grants Program is authorized under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act of 1974, as amended. The purpose of this program is to support state and local delinquency prevention and intervention efforts and juvenile justice system improvements. Program areas may include: planning and administration; state advisory group allocation; compliance monitoring; disproportionate minority contact; juvenile justice issues for Native American Indian tribes; prevention of substance abuse by juveniles; prevention of serious and violent crimes by juveniles; prevention of juvenile gang involvement and illegal youth gang activities; prevention of delinquent acts and identification of youth at risk of delinquency; and improvement of juvenile justice system operations, policies, and procedures including establishing a system of graduated sanctions, treatment programs, and aftercare.
As stated in Ohio's 2012-2014 Three-Year Plan, the majority of Title II funding will be used to support Ohio's DMC Initiative and compliance with the core requirements. In 2012, the state began its comprehensive DMC Assessment of the 14 counties that have participated in the Initiative since 2007. A portion of the 2013 funding will be used to fund the contract with the University as they progress through their work in the 14 counties.
Additionally, the state will support DMC pilot programs and systems improvement activities to address DMC, and fund several programs that target the arrest decisions. DYS will continue to facilitate activities with law enforcement agencies that increase awareness of disparity and its causes and the need/ability to collect and report data by race. Activities that result in improved data collection related to compliance will also be undertaken.
For the funding allocated to DMC, the target population will be minority youth in the 14 counties with the highest minority youth populations who are at greatest risk of arrest and involvement with the juvenile justice system. The secondary target population will be law enforcement agencies and juvenile justice agencies that could have a positive or negative impact on DMC and/or compliance. For funding allocated to compliance, the target population will be status offenders with funding to agencies that provide alternatives to youth or that can help reduce compliance violations.
The goal of the state funding is to improve juvenile justice statewide in the areas of both DMC and compliance. The short term outcomes include reducing arrests, reducing the number of status offenders held in secure detention, and reducing youth held in adult jails and lockups. DYS will increase contact with police agencies and work to facilitate the importance of ensuring that only the most appropriate youth are arrested, which will impact DMC and compliance because it will prevent youth from being inappropriately held or entering the juvenile justice system. Thus, the short-term and intermediate outcomes of the state will be to improvement in compliance that have a positive impact on youth.
DYS will measure progress toward its goals by using the performance measures prescribed by OJJDP, and by continuing to collect data to determine DMC and the level of compliance with DSO, jail removal, and separation. All agencies funded by DYS are required to submit data quarterly to ensure the project is working towards the intended outcomes. Projects that fail to report or are not showing adequate outcomes will be defunded. NCA/NCF
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