Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2013, $100,000)
The Disproportionate Minority Contact Community and Strategic Planning Project (DMC CASP) furthers DOJ's mission by providing competitive funding to states to develop effective strategies to facilitate state and local initiatives to reduce DMC throughout the juvenile justice system. This award to the State of Utah is designed to reduce overrepresentation of minority youth at the arrest and referral points of the juvenile justice system, by identifying and implementing provide evidence-based, best practices for school resource officers (SROs) and school administrators. The project includes 3 major components: (1) conduct a literature review and assess current policy and practice with regards to arrest and referrals that are initiated at the school level; (2) train members of multiple local DMC working groups on OJJDP's CASP Curriculum; and (3) implement recommendations resulting from the assessment, to include implementation of evidence based and best practices for school resource officers (SROs) and school administrators. This project represents a partnership of the Utah DMC Advisory Committee of the Utah Board of Juvenile Justice, the Salt Lake County DMC working group, the Utah DMC Working Group and the Weber County DMC Working Group. The long-term goal is to working group seek funding to identify and provide evidence-based, best practices to school resource officers (SROs) and schools administrators. CA/NCF
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