Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2013, $201,850)
The Juvenile Accountability Block Grant Program (JABG) Program is authorized under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 2002 (42 U.S.C. 3796ee et. seq.). The goal of the JABG program is to reduce juvenile offending through accountability-based programs focused on both the juvenile offender and the juvenile justice system. The objective is to ensure that States and Territories are addressing the specified purpose areas and receiving information on best practices from OJJDP. JABG funds are allocated to States and Territories based on each State's relative population of youth under the age of 18. The underlying premise of juvenile accountability programming is that young people who violate the law should be held accountable for their actions through the swift, consistent application of graduated sanctions that are proportionate to the offenses, both as a matter of basic justice and as a way to combat juvenile delinquency and improve the quality of life in the nation's communities. The Kansas Juvenile Justice Authority is requesting to waive the local pass through requirement for their FY 2013 JABG allocation, as the State bears 71% of the financial burden for the administration of juvenile justice services. No unit of local government meets the $10,000 threshold for a direct award with the reduced allocation in FY 2012. Funds in the amount of $28,555 (less than 10% of total allocation) will be set aside for those communities who traditionally have received a direct award. The purpose areas will be selected by the local units of government in State Fiscal Year 2014 but will include purpose area (9) Juvenile Records, (11) Accountability based programs, (12) Risk and Needs Assessment, and (16) Detention and Corrections Personnel Training. Local units of government will be required to report quarterly on JABG performance measures and annually from April 1 to March 30. Statewide projects are required to report on performance measures on annual terms. NCA/NCF
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