Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2012, $125,000)
OJJDP's Demonstration Programs Continuation Grants program was established to provide grants and cooperative agreements to organizations that OJJDP has selected for funds in prior years. This program will be authorized by an Act appropriating funds for the Department of Justice.
The proposed 2012 Tribal Youth Justice Fellowship project will be used for ongoing support of OJJDP's tribal youth activities. In addition to continuing previous work, the Fellowship will also focus on (but is not limited to) the following activities: TLOA Webinar Series; updating the timeline and plan for the Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS); provide information to the OJJDP Tribal Team on current and critical tribal youth issues; contribute to updating the tribal website; participate in tribal consultation and meetings/conferences as scheduled by organizations in support of tribal youth programs; and attend trainings that support the field of professionals who impact tribal youth public safety.
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