Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2012, $409,449)
The Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) administers JABG funds for the State of Massachusetts. The EOPSS bears the primary responsibility for all services to juveniles and has been approved by OJJDP for a 100% waiver of the JABG pass-through requirement to units of local government. Funds will be utilized to address purpose areas 2, 10 and 17. Purpose area # 2 - Building, expanding, renovating, or operating temporary or permanent juvenile correction, detention, or community corrections facilities. Specifically, funds will be used to assist the State regain compliance with the sight and sound separation core requirement of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA), in part, by renovating non-compliant court holding facilities. EOPSS is working collaboratively with the administrative Office of the Trial Court (AOTC), and the Division of Capital Assets Management (DCAM), which oversees constructions and renovations of state-owned buildings, to comprehensively assess the problem and identify and implement strategies for its resolution. In addition, funds under this priority area will help support secure Alternative Lockup Programs that will assist Massachusetts with maintaining compliance with the Jail Removal core requirement of the JJDPA. Purpose area #10 - Establishing and maintaining interagency information-sharing programs. In order to improve information sharing between the Commonwealth's juvenile justice stakeholders. Efforts are underway amongst some State agencies and stakeholders to accomplish better information sharing and JABG funds can help further comprehensive planning and implementation of effective information sharing strategies. Purpose Area 17 - Establishing, improving, and coordinating prerelease and post release systems and programs. Massachusetts will focus on identifying and implementing effective strategies for preparing youth committed to the Department of Youth Services for re-entry into the community. NCA/NCF
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