Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2012, $605,277)
Michigan plans to use its FY 2012 Juvenile Accountability Block Grant funds in two separate ways. Twenty-five percent of the funds will be used to fund programs targeting substance abuse, abuse assessment, testing and treatment in Northern Michigan communities which did not qualify for the 75% pass through dollars. The remaining funds will be distributed to the 13 counties and the City of Detroit in the lower part of the State. These funds will be used for programs that strengthen accountability, use graduated sanctions, address targeted behaviors and improve the juvenile justice system. Grantees submit data for short term and intermediate outcomes through monthly reports to the Michigan Department of Human Services (MDHS). The Michigan Public Health Institute receives the data and provides a yearly report to the Bureau of Juvenile Justice (BJJ) Federal Grants Unit (FGU) which is forwarded to OJJDP. The MDHS JABG Coordinator monitors JABG programs though the application process, monthly reports, and annual site visits when resources permit.