Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2011, $50,000)
The Title V Community Prevention Grants Program intends to reduce risks and enhance protective factors to prevent at-risk youth from entering the juvenile justice systems and to intervene with first-time and non-serious offenders to keep them out of the juvenile justice system.
The Missouri Department of Public Safety (MDPS) is the designated state agency responsible for administering the Title V Community Prevention Block grants. The Juvenile Justice Unit within the MDPS uses a competitive bid process to award the funding to local units of government. A new 3-year cycle for Title V funding begins in 2011. Grant funds are announced in April. Applications are due in June of each year. The project period for the Title V subgrants operates from October 1 through September 30 each year. At this time, MDPS are awarding only 2009 and 2010 funds, so the recipient(s) for 2011 funds are unknown. The Missouri State Advisory Group assigns the Juvenile Justice Advisory Group to review all applications, make funding recommendations and manage the awarding process. NCA/NCF
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