Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2010, $300,000)
Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. launched a Department-wide initiative on public safety and victim services in Tribal communities. As part of this effort, Department of Justice (DOJ) leadership conducted a series of meetings across the country addressing violent crime in Tribal communities. As a result, DOJ developed the Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2010, combining DOJ's existing Tribal government-specific competitive solicitations into one, and thus requiring only one application from each Tribe or Tribal consortium. This approach provides federally-recognized Tribes and Tribal consortia the opportunity to develop a comprehensive approach to public safety and victimization issues. This award was selected under Purpose Area 9, Enhance accountability for delinquent behavior (OJJDP's Tribal Juvenile Accountability Discretionary Program - TJADG), CFDA #16.73, authorized under the Department of Justice Appropriations Act, 2010, Division B, Title II, Public Law 111-117, 123 Stat. 3122, 3134.
The Yurok Tribal Court (YTC) seeks to enhance accountability for delinquent behavior (CTAS Purpose Area 9) by developing across-system collaboration, improving mental health services, and providing court monitoring for youth in contact with the State justice system. The primary implementing agency for the proposed activities is the YTC. The goal of this project is to enhance accountability for delinquent juvenile behavior by providing mental health screening, treatment planning, case management, and court monitoring services for Yurok tribal members in the State juvenile justice system. The YTC will increase juvenile access to mental health, substance abuse, and life skill services after their initial contact with the State or Tribal juvenile justice system (i.e. arrest, booking, detention, and probation). The YTC will conduct the following activities: develop memoranda of understanding (MOU) with Humboldt and Del Norte County Probation Departments and Remi Vista, Inc.; hire a Clinical Coordinator; implement evidence-based mental health assessment practices; and initiate substance abuse, life skills, and vocational services for Yurok youth. The success of the program will be assessed based upon such performance indicators as the number of juveniles who receive services, the number of staff hired to enhance accountability and treatment progress, and the number of new collaborative court dockets implemented.
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