OJJDP's State and Community Development (Invited) Awards program was established to provide grants and cooperative agreements to organizations that OJJDP has selected for funds in prior years. Through the Community-Based Violence Prevention Program (CBVP), OJJDP funds organizations working to reduce youth gun and gang violence through evidence-based models. These programs have been authorized by an Act appropriating funds for the Department of Justice.
In February 2010, the Crown Heights Mediation Center launched a Cure Violence replication called Save Our Streets Crown Heights (S.O.S.) to work closely with 60 individuals deemed to be at the highest risk for involvement in shooting incidents through mediation of potentially violent conflicts and provision of supportive services. As part of the programs community mobilization effort, S.O.S. established the Clergy Action Network (CAN), a group of faith-based leaders who collaborate to reduce community violence.
The goal of the proposed Community Based Violence Prevention FY 15 supplemental faith-based enhancement is to continue to mobilize Central Brooklyns faith community to be an active partner in S.O.S.s violence prevention efforts. To measure the effectiveness of this initiative, the Mediation Center will track the number of CAN members, the number of clergy members engaged in CAN activities, the number of meetings attended by the CAN clergy liaison, the number of Clergy Education workshops held, the number of anti-violence prayer events held, the number of community members (including young people) who attend events, and the number of families supported through clergy after being impacted by violence. This supplemental award will also cover travel expenses for a team representing S.O.S. to OJJDPs fall convening of the CBVP grantees.