OJJDP's State and Community Development (Invited) Awards program was established to provide grants and cooperative agreements to organizations that OJJDP has selected for funds in prior years. Through the Community-Based Violence Prevention Program (CBVP), OJJDP funds organizations working to reduce youth gun and gang violence through evidence-based models. These programs have been authorized by an Act appropriating funds for the Department of Justice.
The City of Oakland has developed an innovative and comprehensive strategy Oakland Ceasefire to address gun violence in those neighborhoods most affected by violence, building upon best practices and increasing collaborations and coordination among law enforcement, social services, and community members. Oakland Ceasefire incorporates the street outreach and community engagement aspects of the Chicago Cure Violence model with the call-in and case management/service provision aspects of the Kennedy Ceasefire model. The Citys Human Services Department (HSD) will continue to be the lead in this effort, in partnership with the Oakland Police Department, and community-based leaders and organizations. HSD will use this supplemental award to sustain and expand community/faith engagement in Oakland Ceasefire through intentional efforts to build deeper relationships between faith/community partners and Street Outreach Workers, Case Managers, and young men identified through the project (participants). These efforts will include involving faith partners in Street Outreach trainings, in case conferencing, and in community events that involve participants. Progress towards these goals would be measured by the number of community/faith partners involved in the activities, as well as partner feedback on engagement. Funds will also be used to enable Oaklands participation in national CBVP technical assistance opportunities including the fall 2015 convening.