OJJDP has a specific mission to develop and disseminate knowledge about what works to prevent juvenile delinquency and violence and improve the effectiveness of the juvenile justice system. The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, 42 U.S.C. § 5601 et seq authorizes the Administrator of OJJDP to conduct research or evaluations and undertake statistical analyses on a wide range of juvenile justice matters. OJJDP also provides funding to states and localities to carry out research, evaluation, and statistical analyses.
The Spokane project proposes a universal response strategy for children exposed to violence by integrating social emotional learning and response to trauma as complementary service strategies in publicly funded early learning programs. The principal goal of the program is to demonstrate professional development strategies that enhance early learning system capacity to address the needs of trauma-exposed children and their families in a sustainable and replicable model of development. Spokane is implementing three interventions: universal staff development activities for all Head Start staff in social-emotional learning, trauma awareness and management and crisis response; Circle of Security (COS) intervention; and Attachment, Self-Regulation and Competency (ARC) intervention. These interventions are based on developmental theory but have not been formally evaluated.
In a professional development program, they address knowledge of social emotional learning and trauma and application of these practices in Head Start and a companion state early learning program (ECEAP). Impact of this systems change effort is evaluated using surveys, qualitative interviews, and multiyear interrupted time series analyses using Head Start programmatic information.
Spokane Safe Start has introduced universal screening of child and parent adverse childhood experiences to identify risk in the population and impact on children's progress in Head Start. Risk information is linked to Head Start program data to examine the impact of risk on child outcomes.
Among voluntary high risk families, they are also testing the value of introducing two intervention programs delivered by early learning staff: the Circle of Security (COS) and the Attachment, Self-Regulation, and Competence (ARC) Model. Both models are psycho-educational interventions intended to improve parent adjustment, parent-child relationship and child development in families. This project will recruit and assign 900 trauma-exposed volunteer families to three groups: enhanced early learning care without specialized intervention, enhanced early learning with COS, and enhanced early learning with ARC. Program partners include: Community Colleges of Spokane Head Start/Early Head Start/ECEAP, Circle of Security authors, and the Justice Resource Institute Trauma Center developers of the ARC Model.