OJJDP's Demonstration Programs Division Grants were established to provide grants, cooperative agreements, and other assistance to organizations. This program is authorized by the Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011, Pub. L. 112-110.
The National Juvenile Court Data Archive's overarching goal is to provide juvenile justice professionals, policymakers, researchers, and the public with the most detailed information available on the activities of the nation's juvenile courts. The Archive will continue to pursue three general goals: data collection and processing, data use and dissemination, and data improvement. The data collection and processing goal encompasses not only collecting data on millions of cases annually, it also involves the Archive extracting research data files from administrative data sets, producing national estimates, and documenting and preserving the data files. Another general goal is to promote the use and dissemination of Archive information. The primary mechanisms for achieving this goal have been the Juvenile Court Statistics reports, the Easy Access to Juvenile Court Statistics data analysis tool on the Statistical Briefing Book, and the Archive's web site that facilitates researchers' use of Archive files. The Archive also responds to numerous information requests each year. The data improvement goal is addressed through Archive efforts to expand the sample of reporting courts, monitor data quality, and promote data improvements in local jurisdictions. NCA/NCF