OJJDP has a specific mission to develop and disseminate knowledge about what works to prevent juvenile delinquency and violence and improve the effectiveness of the juvenile justice system. The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, 42 U.S.C. § 5601 et seq authorizes the Administrator of OJJDP to conduct research or evaluations and undertake statistical analyses on a wide range of juvenile justice matters. OJJDP also provides funding to states and localities to carry out research, evaluation, and statistical analyses.
The Pittsburgh Youth Study (PYS) is a longitudinal examination of the course of delinquency, substance use, and mental health problems in three samples of males. The samples were randomly drawn in 1987-88 from boys enrolled in the public schools in Pittsburgh, and after a screening procedure to increase the prevalence of high risk youth, have been regularly followed since then.
University of Pittsburgh will collaborate with the other two projects of OJJDP's Program of Research on the Causes and Correlates of Delinquency through the establishment of a secure enclave at the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD). This collaborative process between the three Causes and Correlates projects with NACJD will substantially increase the utility of the data and potential yield of secondary analysis particularly with respect to cross-site comparison of key variables, data aggregation, and examination of lower frequency variables and occurrences.
Funding under this supplemental award will support the continued preparation and transfer of the Pittsburgh Youth Study raw data to NACJD. In consultation with OJJDP staff, the research team will continue the process of preparing the Pittsburgh Youth Study data files for archiving. The first five years of raw data have already been conveyed to NACJD, and this supplemental award will focus on finalization of the first five years of constructs made from the raw data to NACJD. In addition, the researchers will set up new contracts between the University of Pittsburgh and NACJD for data collected using funds from other agencies and data collected from other sources, such as Children and Youth Services, schools and the court system. The researchers will also finalize the conditions under which other researchers can access and use the data lodged at NACJD.