Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2010, $1,062,000)
The Formula Grants Program is authorized under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act of 1974, as amended. The purpose of this program is to support State and local delinquency prevention and intervention efforts and juvenile justice system improvements. Program areas may include: Planning and administration; State Advisory Group allocation; compliance monitoring; juvenile justice issues for American Indian tribes; prevention of substance abuse by juveniles; prevention of serious and violent crimes by juveniles; prevention of juvenile gang involvement and illegal youth gang activities; prevention of delinquent acts and identification of youth at risk of delinquency; and improvement of juvenile justice system operations, policies, and procedures including establishing a system of graduated sanctions, treatment programs, and aftercare.
Massachusetts conducted an extensive review and analysis of the needs and circumstance of the Commonwealth's youth and juvenile justice system. The State Advisory Group has prioritized the following program areas to be addressed with FY 2010 Title II formula grant funding:
To further encourage a focus on alternatives to detention in the context of a youth development model (Alternatives to Detention).
Ensure compliance with the first three Core Requirements of the JJDP Act (Compliance Monitoring).
To better measure and reduce DMC in Massachusetts (Disproportionate Minority Contact).
Provide a safe and secure placement for pre-arraigned juveniles (Jail Removal).
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