OJJDP's Demonstration Programs Division Grants were established to provide grants, cooperative agreements, and other assistance to organizations. This program is authorized by the Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011, Pub. L. 112-110.
North Dakota's Reentry program has enhanced services for juvenile offenders returning to the Bismarck-Mandan community after a residential or correctional placement. Reentry services are coordinated by the custodial agency, the ND Division of Juvenile Services, and begin prior to release. Youth are assigned a Juvenile Corrections Specialist that supervises the case and guides the reentry process, including planning for transition as soon as the youth has been placed. Upon reentry, the Corrections Specialist continues case management and plans for supportive services. Reentry program services are provided based on a risk/needs assessment and include substance abuse treatment and aftercare, and community supportive services such as transitional housing, independent living education, individual and family counseling, educational support, and employment assistance. These services are combined with existing services to provide a full continuum to support successful community reentry. CA/NCF