This program furthers the Department's mission by providing grants and cooperative agreements for research and evaluation activities to organizations that OJJDP designates.
This application is for the continuation of a long-term research project known as the Denver Youth Survey (DYS). The DYS is a 25-plus year longitudinal study of problem and successful behavior over the life course that focuses on delinquency, drug use, victimization, and mental health. The project studies developmental processes and life experiences that lead to delinquency and other problem behavior with a goal of suggesting the nature and timing of prevention and intervention programs, and identifying precursors to and outcomes of juvenile justice system involvement.
There is one main goal of the work proposed in this application, the continuation and partial completion of the process of archiving the data of the three projects of OJJDP's Program of Research on the Causes and Correlates of Delinquency, of which the DYS is a part. This continuation will be focused exclusively on tasks related to archiving the data for the purposes of secondary analyses, including: (1) continued preparation of additional data waves and associated documentation for archiving; (2) continued coordination with the NACJD regarding procedures for the transfer of the data; and (3) establishment of protocols for data sharing with qualified researchers that would ensure the protection of human subjects and safeguard their privacy.
During this funding period, DYS will archive the original data from Waves 1 through 5 (1988-1992) that have previously been prepared for transfer, and continue the preparation efforts related to archiving Waves 6 through 11 (1995-2003).