OJJDP's Demonstration Programs Division Grants were established to provide grants, cooperative agreements, and other assistance to organizations. This program is authorized by the Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011, Pub. L. 112-110.
The expansion of Family Drug Courts (FDCs) has created a growing need for training and technical assistance (TTA) to assist jurisdictions in the development and enhancement of their FDCs. Supplemental funding to the current Center for Children and Family Futures (CCFF) FDC TTA Program will enhance the program by increasing and expanding the TTA that supports planning, implementation and enhancement of comprehensive FDCs. To accomplish this, CCFF developed the following goals: 1) Continue to assess and address the national TTA needs of FDCs; 2) Develop, implement and enhance TTA materials and activities; 3) Build FDC capacity; and 4) Enhance the knowledge and skills of FDC professionals. Key enhancements of the program include: development of a Guidance to States on Developing Performance Standards for FDCs document; development of a FDC Mentor Courts program; development and dissemination of information (white papers and fact sheets) on evidence-based FDC practices; and hosting a OJJDP FY 11 FDC Grantee Kick-Off Meeting and Annual Grantee Meeting. Upon completion of each TTA episode or event, CCFF will gather feedback on recipient satisfaction and assess the quality of TTA provided. Web technology will be used to generate data for assessing the knowledge gained in TTA events. Also, CCFF will conduct data collection and reporting of activities and performance measures regarding number of events, participants, and materials distributed, including percentages of on-time deliverables, feedback from users of the materials on their learning, skills, and utility of the TTA products, as well OJJDP's customer satisfaction.