OJJDP FY 09 Demonstration Programs Division Grants was established to provide grants, cooperative agreements and other assistance to organizations designated by OJJDP, as authorized by the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 2002 (42 U.S.C. Sections 5601 et seq.) and statutes appropriating funds for juvenile justice programs.
The Pathways study identifies variations in patterns of desistance from antisocial activity and examines the role of social context, developmental change, and system involvement in promoting change. It provides empirical information needed to improve decision-making by court and social service personnel and guidance for ongoing policy debates about alternative approaches for dealing with serious young offenders.
This award will continue activity and enable researchers to collect, code, and analyze mental health records (i.e., Medicaid and other state funded services encounter data) regarding the provision of services to the serious adolescent offenders enrolled in the Pathways to Desistance ('Pathways') study, an ongoing longitudinal research project following 1,354 serious juvenile offenders for seven years after court involvement. The activities described in this application will take two years to complete, and will be done in conjunction with ongoing data collection, data management and dissemination activities of the larger, Pathways study (funding for these latter activities is already in place). The information collected from this add on activity will be integrated into the existing, extensive data bases regarding these adolescent offenders. The inclusion of this information will: 1) validate and supplement self-report data already available in the Pathways study regarding receipt of social service interventions, 2) significantly expand the scope of potential analyses regarding the appropriateness and impact of service provision and sanctions for serious adolescent offenders, and 3) permit the investigators to conduct cost-benefit analyses of mental health services and sanctions provided to this group of serious offenders. NCA/NCF