Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2007, $750,000)
This project will work towards reducing Internet-based child victimization by assisting parents, guardians and educators in protecting children online. The goal of this project is to reduce child victimization, commercial sexual exploitation of children, and child abuse resulting from Internet-related sexual victimization through enhancing Enough Is Enough's (EIE) existing public education and awareness campaign regarding Internet safety. EIE will accomplish this goal through: (1) development of effective training materials that are informed by multi-disciplinary experts in child safety; (2) systems improvements that provide effective parent education resources and training materials to organizations that are charged with education and prevention and collaborative and leveraged implementation of Internet Safety 101 throughout the nonprofit, public justice, education, health, and Internet industry sectors; and (3) developing outreach and education methods that ensure broad participation of parents and caregivers in viewing Internet Safety 101 thus resulting in the implementation of principles and practices of Rules 'N Tools.
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