Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2006, $444,253)
Alaska Children's Trust is a FY 2006 OJJDP Congressional Earmark Program. This project will target victims of childhood abuse or neglect, teen pregnancy, poor school performance, alcohol and other substance abuse, fetal alcohol syndrome and domestic violence. Mitigation or reduction of these risk factors for child abuse and neglect should result in a reduction in the incidence of child abuse and neglect. This project will also attempt to increase awareness and prevent child abuse and neglect, in its many forms through social marketing and multi-media education campaigns targeted to populations with high risk factors. Activities of this project will be coordinated with other on-going initiatives to deal with other risk factors directly related to child abuse and neglect. An integrated campaign using radio, television, posters, and other promotional materials will be developed using media developed nationally, by other states, or, where appropriate, creating original materials to communicate with unique Alaska populations.
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